Liszt1213 | Sightseeing
Dubai, Uni Emirate Arab, United Arab Emirates | Desert Adventure
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Dubai Safari Desert

dubai safari desert

Reaching at the top of the hills, I could see sunset on the desert and this tour gives us opportunity to see sunset in the desert.
Hal yang dilakukan

You can't visit Dubai and not go to the Desert! Safari desert has been on my list after Burj Khalifa since I have opportunity to visit Dubai for 2 weeks. The desert was amazing and the view was gorgeous. Driving over the sand dunes like riding a rollercoaster and my stomach very sick. Unfortunatelly, some of my friends didn'r enjoy it so much. 

dubai safari desertdubai safari desert

Reaching at the top of the hills, I could see sunset on the desert and this tour gives us opportunity to see sunset in the desert. The view was amazing betond words, the sand was very soft and I feel like wanna walk around on bare foot.

dubai safari desertdubai safari desert

Other things that you can do in this desert is sand boarding. Maybe some of you can do Sand Boarding in Indonesia, but Sand Boarding in the Desert give different feel. 

dubai safari desert

Move to the campsite, now it's time to ride a camel. Anyway, this is my first experience to ride a camel too. Super fun!!

dubai safari desert

The dark has come and we move to the Bedouin camp. This camp is contained in tents with Arabic carpets and cushions scattered. We did dinner in this camp, there were samosas, Arabic Bread with some sort of cheese filling, falafel and salad. They were amazing. Finish eating, there's a center stage of the camp and a woman in a beautiful yellow outfit took the stage. We watched belly dance show.

dubai safari desert

dubai safari desert

Video by Perfect Little Planet

Cara ke Sana

Wanna taste some adventure in the desert? you can do it in Dubai. This is one of my unforgetable moment in Dubai because this is my first time doing safari in the desert, no it's my first time visit desert. To go to the desert, I take a tour because this is my first experience to visit Dubai. This tour agent pick us at our apartment to go to the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve which need 50 minutes drive.



Tips dan Trik dubai safari desert

Interest to do safari desert? I'd like to share some trips for you :

  • Better take tour to go to this desert for saving your time. You can check it here. There are so many package and the price start from USD 38, it depend on the duration of the tour.
  • Bring camera because this tour will stop to some amazing spot.
  • Prepare yourself to driving over the sands
  • Wear comfortable slippers.
  • Wear hat, sunglasses and sunblock.
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