Farah | Sightseeing
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore | City Trip
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Travel to Singapore (first day)

wisata di singapore

The first day in Singapore is very exciting. We shopped at Bugis Street and Clarke Quay Singapore.
Hal yang dilakukan

after the next 2 hours break we want to shop on Bugis Street. Bugis Street is a very famous shopping location with cheap price and open daily from 12:00 to 22:00, to get to Bugis Street we walk about 700 meters or 9 minutes on foot, To find out this road we looked at the map, Maps is very useful for us because we do not understand the road in Singapore hahaha .... but even so my trip is same Stella is very fun.

After a 7-minute walk we arrived in front of lettering"Bugis Street" as if welcome visitors who come. when we sign in the we saw a lot of unique souvenirs of Singapore, betwixt, T-shirts, bags, wallets, key chains, and snacks that is biscuits, chocolate, chips, and still many again snacks are sold here, the price of Souvenir and food here Very cheap.

At that time we are interested in t-shirts for SGD 10  get 3 shirt. But this shirt quality is not good, but we buy this shirt for souvenirs in Indonesia. And at that time me and stella buy 1 T-shirt for SGD 10, but the quality is pretty good.

The atmosphere in Bugis Street is quite convenient, some traders here speak can Indonesian, but most sellers here use english, and then we bargaining for the price of the bag with the seller who can speak Indonesian, after finishing bargaining finally we get 2 bag. After 2 hours shopping on Bugis Street we searched for food at Bugis Juncion, after filling our next stomach to Clark Quay Singapore.

From Bugis Street to Clarke Quay Singapore we used the taxi at that time we traveled about 2.5 km and 9 minutes away by taxi. Clarke Quay Singapore is indeed very famous in Singapore beautiful scenery of the here river make we are curious about  Clarke Quay Singapore and decided to visit the location that is open from 10:00 to 22:00 hours.

In Clarke Quay there are restaurants, malls, boutiques, and many food vendors, this place is very complete. when that I was with Stella came in the afternoon and here there are many young people who sit on the riverbank, and then we see some People boarded Boat Quay (small boat), we see tourists enjoy the trip using Boat Quay, while listening to the story Tour Guide who tells the history of Singapore, making the atmosphere of the afternoon was perfect.

At that time we did not try to board the Boat Quay, we chose to try the Singapore ice cream that at the price SGD1.5 . After a satisfied walk to Bugis Street and Clarke Quay we decided to return to hostelry Sleepy Kiwi.



Our next trip->Travel to Singapore (Second Day)



Cara ke Sana

Hello guys this time I again want to holiday to Singapore, Coincidentally at that time me with my friend Stella get  promo tickets Garuda Indonesia from Jakarta-Singapore, Immediately we buy that promo ticket, Coincidentally at that time we want to Shopping in Singapore. We want to see cool stuff in Singapore, As well as seeing the beauty of singapore.

Before Depart we set up the combat equipment, Our combat equipment is not a grenade, gun, or any other sharp object hahaha ...combat equipment is actually is Dslr camera, Selfie stick for selfie, clothes, shoes, hats, and makeup equipment. With the preparation of Map mrt and Google Map start us exploring this beautiful Land of Lions.

date 14 April 2017 we departed from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Singapore Changi International Airport, At that time spent about 1 hour journey in the air, we really enjoyed the trip.

After arriving at Singapore Changi International Airport, we are happy to because we arrived safely, The weather is sunny, next It's us immediately boarded the MRT to go to the Sleepy Kiwi Inn at 55 Bussorah St, Singapore.


Tips dan Trik wisata di singapore

  1. While on Bugis Street you can buy goods and bargain with the seller
  2. Do not forget to use shoes are comfortable because to get walk on Bugis Street and Clarke Quay is quite tiring
  3. Bring camera and Selfie stick for photo  holiday in Bugis Street and Clarke Quay.
  4. Do not litter
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