Victoria | Sightseeing
Hongkong, Hongkong, Hong Kong | halal
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Australia Dairy Company

australia dairy company

Best breakfast ever!! I visit Hongkong with my friends and visit many restaurant for culinary.
Konten Ulasan

Hongkong is always best idea for me, not only about tourism place, but also for shopping and culinary. Last week on year end holiday, I visit Hongkong with my friends and visit many restaurant for culinary. It was early morning and all of my friends already have soul for culinary. So, we walk to 47 Parkes Street, Jordan, Hongkong for tasting super delicious breakfast at Australia Diary Company.

 australia dairy company

Tere's nothing special in this restaurant, you'll not find special menu or some fanciful decor in this restaurant. It's look like other restaurant in Hongkong. But, if you wondering why I come to this restaurant because this restaurant served scrambled eggs and steamed milk which very famous in the town. Unfortunately, they have no English menu, all of menu are written on Chinnesse. So, if you can't speak Chinesse like me, you can point the menu which devide into three colors.

australia dairy companyaustralia dairy company

FYI guys, the staffs in this restaurant are very unfriendly. So, if you're come to this restaurant, be ready for intimidate experience. Hehehe.. Anyway, the menu price are not too expensive, it's starting from HKD 25. For breakfast menu, I choose toast, scrambled egg and milk tea. Some of my friends are ordering steamed milk, so I try one.

australia dairy companyaustralia dairy company

australia dairy companyaustralia dairy company

Taste of the toast is very delicious, it's soft and a lot of butter. For the milk tea is also delicious and sweet, different with other milk tea that I found in Jakarta. After that, I taste the scramble egg, it's a little bit liquid but tasty. I never tasted super delicious scrambled egg like this before. Moreover, the steamed milk which is super delicious. I never taste it before, it's like pudding but the texture is more soft. The milk is very thick and sweet. I like it.

So, if you're in Hongkong and looking for some delicious breakfast, I suggest you to all of menu in this Australia Diary Company :)

Video by Miss Mina





Jam Operasional
Open daily from 7.30 am to 11 pm
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