xiaoying | Sightseeing
Huangshan, South Anhui, China | Hiking & Trekking
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Escape to Mount Huangshan

mount huangshan

Huangshan is worth visiting all year round and you won't feel regret visit it in any season because the scenery is always incredible.
Hal yang dilakukan

Mount Huangshan also known as Yellow Mountain is become UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990. This mountain has very beautiful scenery and worth staying at least one night on the mountain just to see the sunrise and sunset which are visible from several places on the mountain. Hike Mount Huangshan is straightforward and the paths are easy to follow by bring a map. 

There are 2 hiking trail, eastern and western steps. The eastern steps is shorter and easier than west, but the scenery on the steep and windy western steps is considerably better. Or you can take cable car up to the mountain like many tourists and Tangkou is starting point for two hiking trails and parallel cable cars.

Huangshan is worth visiting all year round and you won't feel regret visit it in any season because the scenery is always incredible. There are plenty of spectacular hikes around the 72 sheer rock cliffs, the most popular spot to catch the sunrise is the Dawn Pavilion, near the Beihai Hotel. Other options, you can walk bit farther from the hotels to Refreshing Terrace, Lion Peak or Red Cloud Peak.

Video by Angela Tamrakar


Cara ke Sana

After exploring some interesting places in Shanghai, such as Disneyland, Yuyuan Garden and Jade Temple, now I move to Huangshan. Huangshan city is about 410 km southwest from Shanghai. For saving your time, you can take bullet train which need 4,5 hours from Shanghai. For detail information and schedule, you can check it here


Tips dan Trik mount huangshan

  • Booking bullet train ticket long day before you go to Huangshan.
  • Book entrance ticket to this mountain before you hike. The admission fee ranging CNY 150 - 230 per person.
  • There are some tour packages that you can use for bring you here, if you have extra cost. But if you are not, you can go by yourself.
  • If you hike by yourself or with friends, don't forget to buy map in local vendor.
  • Wear waterproof jacket, hiking shoes, hat and sunglasses.
  • Bring camera
  • Bring mineral water and snacks before you hike.
  • Althou itsgood to visit in any season, but the best time to visit this mountain is in summer.
  • For you who won't to hike, take cable car to enjoy the view of the mountain from above with price around CNY 80 - 100. 
  • Very easy to hike this mountain, so prepare your energy to see the seaa of the cloud from Huangshan.



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