luna | Sightseeing
Kuala Tutong, Tutong, Brunei Darussalam | Beach Exploring
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Seri Kenangan Beach - The Unforgettable Beach

seri kenangan beach

This beach has clean soft white sand and the wave are not too high. Along this beach, I can see a lot of pines trees.
Hal yang dilakukan

Almost arrive at the beach entrance, I saw beach along the way there. "Are we close?" I ask to Arya. "Hmm, 5 more minutes maybe" he answered me.

                             seri kenangan beach

Well, less than 5 minutes we arrived at the beach entrance and there is no fee for entering this beach..

                             seri kenangan beach

Arriving in this beach, I walk around while Arya looking for best place for picnic. This beach has clean soft white sand and the wave are not too high. Along this beach, I can see a lot of pines trees. At glance, this beach is like with many beaches in Indonesia, but I found the unique things. On the next of the beach, there is a river flow and sea water are meet in the Tutong River.

                            seri kenangan beach

The weather is very sunny and I go back to Arya for enjoy our picnic. We put our mat under the pines tree and start to enjoy the meal and this beach. 

                     seri kenangan beach

                                                      seri kenangan beach

This beach has many facilities, such as toilet, playground, rest area, outdoor restaurant and also you can find many hotel around here. 

                                               seri kenangan beach

When the sun is almost gone, I walk to the beach for enjoying sunset. FYI, this beach has beautiful sunset. I can see many locals spent their afternoon at this beach for playing football, volley or just sit enjoy the sunset.

                                                      seri kenangan beach 

                                                          seri kenangan beach

                                                    seri kenangan beach

Well, the sun goes down and I packed our picnic stuff to the car and go back home. This beach is indeed the unforgettable beach!! Watch this video for more excitement.

                                                                                                    Video by iDell Productions


Cara ke Sana

Hi guys, I'd like to share you about one of my experience in Brunei Darussalam. Actually I visit this country because I got invitation from my aunt who are going to married there, so my family and I went to Brunei for attended her wedding. I have many family who stay in Brunei, so sometime I visit this country.

Well, I start my journey from Medan by using Malaysian Airlines in the afternoon and arrive there in the midnight. 

                                                       seri kenangan beach

After attending at my aunt's wedding and this is my last day in Brunei, so my counsin, Arya, take me for a short picnic in the beach. We bring mat, some drinks and food. But, before we go to that beach, Arya take me to buy typical food of Brunei, Nasi Katok Mama, for our picnic.

We take trip to Seri Kenangan Beach or also known as Tutong Beach which located in Tutong district, 50 kilo meters away from Brunei Capital City, Bandar Seri Begawan. It's quite far and need an hour by using car. While Arya is driving, he told me many stories.

Tips dan Trik seri kenangan beach

If you wanna enjoy this beach with calm situation, visit it on weekday because this beach is very crowded in weekend. Take your children, family or your loved ones to enjoy this beach. Because the weather is very sunny, don't forget to wear beach hat, sunglasses and sunblock. If you are going to swim, don't forget to bring additional clothes.

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