sisil | Sightseeing
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia | Attraction
3.34 K2

Hello Kitty Town & Little Big Club

Hello Kitty Town & Little Big Club

What to Do

Arriving Hello Kitty town, I pay the entrace fee around RM 90. Actually, feeling a little bit dissapointed about this place because it doesn't like on my expectation. When I look the picture on the Internet, it look so wide place but in fact it's only small place. But, it's okay for me because I'm a big fan of Hello Kitty. So, I'll show you around..

Hello Kitty Town consist of three floors. First floor is Hello Kitty arena and all of decorations are about Hello Kitty dominated with pink color. Also, There are so many Hello Kitty dolls inside the house. From the entrance I can see Tea Pot Ride and I don't try it..

Hello Kitty Town is like a house with all of the furniture are Hello Kitty and this is the bedroom. Very cute and I really wanna sleep there. LOL..

And this the bathroom, very large and cute..

Besides, I watch Dear Daniel & Hello Kitty's show which is very funny and intereseting. Mostly, children love to watch this show.

Also, decorate Hello Kitty cake. It's very interesting and educative for children, but it's very easy for me. LOL. I only add ribbon and coloring eyes after that, I can eat it. Too funny to eat..

Satisfied exploring first floor, I'm going to second floor. In this floor there are Barney and Friends. When you come inside Barney's house on the right. There are Television which showing Barney's movie and also children playground.

Continue to Angeline Balerina, it's look like dance studio for you who wants bring children this place will amazed them, because they can dance with Ballerina Costume.

Behind Angelina's dance studio, there are big playground which part of Bob The Builder. Of course, this playground only for children..

On the next floor, it's Thomas and Friends' corner. There are playground (again)..

Overall, this place is suit for children because it's very educative, but if you love Hello Kitty this place is worth to visit when you in Johor Bahru.

After explore Hello Kitty Town, don't forget to stop at Red Bow Cafe for enjoying drink & food themed Hello Kitty and gift shop. Of course, everything that sell in this shop is about Hello Kitty and the price is still reasonable.


Watch this video for more information: Video by Megatrend007

How to Get There

Hi guys, welcome back with me! Now I'm going to Johor Bahru and visit the most adorable place in Malaysia, Hello Kitty Town. My journey begin from Surabaya to Johor by Airplane on 06.55 AM and arrive there on 10.40 AM only need 2 hours air trip.

From Senai International Airport, you can take bus or taxi to Hello Kitty Town, but I choose to use bus because it cheapest. It's very easy to find public transportation here and I only pay RM 6 from Senai Airport to Hello Kitty Town.



Tips and Trick Hello Kitty Town & Little Big Club

  • Bring Camera
  • Keep this place clean
  • No smoking area
  • Take your children here

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