sisil | Sightseeing
Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia | Historical Places
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Kundasang War Memorial

kundasang war memorial

The first think on my mind when visit memorial park is creepy or horror, otherwise this place is very beautiful.
What to Do

Before, I tell you more about this place, kindly watch this video first : Video by Michael Veres


This memorial park is open daily from 08.30 AM until 05.30 PM with the entrace fees is around RM 3 for Malaysians and RM 10 for foreigners. Still in Mount Kinabalu area, this place also has beautiful view and pleasant weather. The first think on my mind when visit memorial park is creepy or horror, otherwise this place is very beautiful. 

kundasang war memorial

Kundasang War Memorial is dedicated to the 2428 British and Autralian soldiers who died as Prisoners of camp at the hands of Japanese.This memorial also built for recognize the suffering and sacrifice of people in Sabah who help the prisoners.

kundasang war memorial

This memorial park was designed by J.C Robinson and consist of 4 different garden, symbolize of the fallen state: The Australian Garden, The English Rose Garden, The Borneo Garden and Contemplation Garden, which each garden has different plants. The first is The Autralian Garden which contains of green plants.

kundasang war memorial

The second one is The English Rose Garden. As the name, this garden consist of roses..

kundasang war memorial

The third one is The Boneo Garden which consist of Kinabalu Wild Flowers..

kundasang war memorial

And the last one is The Contemplation Garden..

kundasang war memorial

All of the gardens are representing each homeland of those who died and the magnificent war memorial welcomes all visitors. For those who love to visit historical place, go visit Kundasang War Memorial for upgrade your knowledge and remember their struggle in past time.

kundasang war memorial 




How to Get There

Welcome back guys, still in Kundasang, I visit Kundasang War Memorial which very close from Puteri Nabalu Restaurant. Only need 2 minutes walk.

Tips and Trick kundasang war memorial

  • Bring good camera
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Keep the place clean
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