sisil | Sightseeing
Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia | Meet Locals
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Desa Dairy Farm - New Zealand in Malaysia

desa dairy farm

I went to Desa Dairy Farm that located around 7 km from this resort. There are meadow with Mount Kinabalu as a background and there are so many cows around.
What to Do

On the next day, after breakfast with nice view, I went to Desa Dairy Farm that located around 7 km from this resort.

Arriving there, the view is very nice with pleasant weather. Entrance fee of this place is only RM 5, very cheap for this wonderfull view. From the entrace gate, the view is indeed beautiful. This farm open everyday from 08.00 AM until 05.00 PM.

There are meadow with Mount Kinabalu as a background and there are so many cows around. People said that this place looks like New Zealand and I do agree because the view it's indeed beautiful. Even on daylight, the weather still cool.

I walk around and capturing this view. Everywhere is green..

Tired of walking, I decide to try some fresh milk or gelato from this farm because mostly people recommed me to try it. There are fresh milk seller and provide many kinds of drinks that made from milk, such as yogurt, gelato and pudding.

and I choose fresh milk and gelato. The taste is very fresh and good.

Continuing my walk around this farm, while enjoying my gelato..

It's lunch time and I leave this lovely farm for lunch, because the weather is cool so I choose steamboat for lunch menu. Based on google, the best steamboat is in Puteri Nabalu Restaurant.


Watch this video for more information: Video by : Mohd Fizy

How to Get There

Hi guys, I'd like to share my travel story about my first time visit Kinabalu, Malaysia. Actually, I've been many times visit Malaysia but for works. For holiday in Malaysia, I choose Sabah for spent my free time in Malaysia.

Starting my journey from Surabaya by Malaysian Airline at 08.55 AM, transit in Kuala Lumpur for 1 hour and arrive in Kinabalu at 16.40 PM.

After landed safely, directly go to hotel for rest. I stayed in Crystal Hill Resort, this resort about 2 km from Kinabalu Airport.



Tips and Trick desa dairy farm

  • Wear Jacket
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Bring good camera
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