ratnakristina | Sightseeing
Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia | halal
2.36 K3

Uniccrab: Good Food Meets Good Friends

kuliner di malang

Share your good time with good friends and good food!
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For some people, especially foreigners, the concept of eating food served on top of the table without plates together with friends and familes might be unfamiliar. But once you tried it, you will love it!

Uniccrab serves good seafood dishes in big portion to enjoy with your loved ones. Be prepared for messy table! They serve seafood along with fries and corn cob as the side dish. If you are eating solo, don't worry, they also have a la carte menu (come in big portion, too!).

If you like spicy food, they serve the seafood and spicy sauce (you can choos the heat level). But if you like your food in mild taste, this place is a good choice, too.

Opening Hours
11 AM - 10 PM
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