sugengcool | Traveler
Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar | Historical Places
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Explore The Golden Land Myanmar Part 3

the golden land myanmar

This is my first destination on my third day in Myanmar!
Hal yang dilakukan

1. Tooth Relic Pagoda

Before I explain more what inside this pagoda, watch this video first :)

                                                                                                             Video by Taoistdaz


This is my first destination on my third day in Myanmar. Tooth Relic Pagoda or also known as Swe Taw Myat Paya is located in Mayangone township on a small hill named Dhammapala and open daily from 6 am to 76 pm. This Pagoda is free admission, but if you bring camera, it would take MMK 200 fee. Tooth Relic Pagoda was built for imortalize a sacred Buddha tooth relic, one of the teeth of Gautama Buddha who died some 2500 years ago. FYI, this teeth was brought from China in 1994 and put on the Pgoda for 45 days for Burmese Buddists to pay homage.

                                                 the golden land myanmar

You can see the Swe Taw Myat tooth relic because it's unlike the others relic which cannot be viewed by the public and usually hidden deep in the pagoda. Go inside to the large hall which the roof supported by huge gold painted columns. There is surrounding fence which encircled by Buddha Statues with various mudras seated on pedestals. The relic is encircled by small green jade Buddha Statues.

                          the golden land myanmar

Finish explore this pagoda, I went to one of monastery in Yangon, named Panditarama which located 8 kilometers away from Tooth Relic Pagoda, so I grab a taxi to go there,

2. Yangon Monastery

To arrive in this monastery only need 20 minutes. Panditarama Shwe Taung Gone Sasana Meditation Centre is one of Buddhist monastery in Yangon which located in 80A Thanlwin Rd. This monastery is a center for the practice and study of the Theravada Buddist teachings, it's established in October 1990 by the Venerable Guiding Teacher U Panditabhivamsa which is follows the great lineage of the late Venerable Mahari Sayadaw. 

                         the golden land myanmar

In this monastery, I just looking around the classroom, the kitchen and take picture with few children who study here..

                                                        the golden land myanmar

                         the golden land myanmar

                                                                                                 Video by Panditarama


Finish looking around this monastery, I continue to Myanmar Plaza for shopping and lunch..

3. Myanmar Plaza (Hard Rock Cafe)

To reach this place, I took taxi from monastery. This plaza is only 3 kilometers away from monastery, not too long then I arrive here. Arriving in Myanmar Plaza, I go directly to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch because my family and I already starving. Hard Rock Cafe Myanmar Plaza is almost same with others Hard Rock Cafe all over the world, because this cafe has many branches in any country. Before I order my food, I'm looking something to buy..

                                                      the golden land myanmar

                                                      the golden land myanmar

Finish shopping in this cafe, I choose my table and order my food. This cafe has so many variants menu, but mostly it's western so I only order burger and salad..

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                        the golden land myanmar

                                                   the golden land myanmar

Finish lunch, I went back to hotel for check out because I'm going to continue my trip to Bagan this evening. For going to Bagan, I use JJ bus with fare around USD 19, it's depart from Yangon at 8 pm and need 10 hours to arrive in Bagan. So, I'm gonna stay at bus this night. See you tomorrow at my next trip, guys..

Cara ke Sana

Explore The Golden Land Myanmar Part 2

Hello Guys, this is my third day Myanmar and I'll explore more pagodas here. After breakfast at hotel, my first destination, I'm going to Tooth Relic Pagoda located in Mayangone township on a small hill named Dhammapala, then the second destination I'll go to Monastery and the last destination I'll visit Myanmar Plaza before I heading to Bagan. The easiest way to explore all of that place is by using taxi from my hotel, the fare is around MMK 5000.


Tips dan Trik the golden land myanmar

For visiting Tooth Relic Pagoda, if you bring camera it would take fee about MMK 200 in Tooth Relic Pagoda, also you should take off your shoes before entering the pagoda building and don't forget to wear polite clothes. If you're going to continue your trip to Bagan like I was, you can take it by land trip or air trip. Air trip is more saving time but quite pricey and land trip is cheaper but need long time to arrive. I suggest you to buy the online bus ticket here.


Explore The Golden Land Myanmar Part 4


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