Sarayaintan | Sightseeing
Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia | non_halal
1,94 K2

The Best Korean Restaurant

restoran enak di jakarta

Don't judge the restaurant by the outside
Konten Ulasan

These day you may see many Korean Restaurant in Jakarta. You'll notice if you are a Korean Food lovers, right? 

I found these Gahyo Restaurant in the middle of SCBD business district at Lot 6. Nothing's special at the outside of the restaurant. You'll enter it with the Korean Greetings and you can seat at the table, tatami, or private room.

This place is the most authentic one and I can say it's not modern at all like the others Korean restaurant, the place feels like traditional Korean restaurant. 

And the secret is, they used charcoal for the grill and grilled by the professional waitress, their hand is like magic. Really. That's why their food is worth to try. 

Jam Operasional
11am - 23pm
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